All posts by: Rebecca R. Collins

About Rebecca R. Collins

Top Tips to Be a More Effective Gambler

Are you looking to be a more effective gambler? If so, then look no further! This blog post will provide tips on how to improve your gambling skills. Whether you are new to gambling or have been doing it for years, these tips will help you become better at it. By following these helpful suggestions, you can make faster and more informed decisions while gambling. So read on and start becoming a better gambler today!

How to improve your gambling skills

If you’re looking to improve your gambling skills, there are a few things you can do. First and foremost, try to educate yourself on the subject as much as possible. There’s no substitute for knowledge when it comes to gambling. In addition to educating yourself, try to be disciplined in your approach.

Set limits for both how much you’re willing to spend and how much you’re willing to lose, and stick to them. It’s also important that you manage your bankroll carefully; don’t bet more money than you can afford to lose. This is an important step to take because it will ensure that you don’t get into any unnecessary financial trouble.

It’s also important to remember that even the experts aren’t infallible when it comes to gambling. They may be able to help you win, but if you’re going to lose, don’t waste too much time blaming them or trying to find a flaw in their strategy.

If you’re going to be playing for money, you should also know how your odds of winning work. If you understand how the game is expected to work on average, you’ll be better equipped to make good decisions when you’re playing.

It’s also important to take your emotions out of the game. It’s too easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and bet more than you should, so discipline yourself and remain focused on your actions.

Become more informed about what you’re gambling on

To be an effective gambler, you need to become more informed about what you’re gambling on. This means learning as much as possible about the games you’re playing, the odds of winning, and the risks involved. It also means staying up to date on news affecting your favourite casinos and sports teams. By being informed, you can make smarter decisions about where to gamble and how much to bet.

If gambling is starting to interfere with the way you handle your daily life — for instance, if you’re spending too much of your savings, or if you’re missing work or school because of your gambling habit — it’s a sign that it may be time to quit.

Call your doctor or a mental health professional to discuss treatment options. The sooner you seek help, the better. While there’s no cure for addiction, it can be treated.

Manage your bankroll better

One of the most important things for any gambler is to manage their bankroll better. Having a clear understanding of how much money you have and how much you’re willing to lose is key to having a successful gambling experience. There are a few different ways that you can go about managing your bankroll better. One way is to set limits for yourself before you start gambling. This means deciding how much money you’re willing to spend and then sticking to that limit no matter what.

You may consider setting limits for each type of gambling you do. If you play slot machines, you might want to only spend a certain amount before you quit playing. If you like to play poker, you might only allow yourself to play until you’ve lost a certain amount.

The other way that you can manage your bankroll better is by watching how much money you are spending overall.

Don’t gamble when you’re angry or upset

When it comes to gambling, it is important to know when to walk away. When you are angry or upset, emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to making impulsive decisions. It is best to step away from the situation and clear your head before making any decisions. This will help you make more informed and rational choices that are more likely to lead to success.

Track your wins and losses. If you’re serious about winning, you should track how much money you’ve won, as well as how much you’ve lost. This way, you can focus on what goes well for you, and try to avoid repeating mistakes that lose you money. Live by the mantra “know when to stop”Gambling can be very addictive. This also means you can avoid getting caught up in frenzied gambling situations.

Have realistic expectations

If you want to be a successful gambler, you need to have realistic expectations. Fishing is a gambling sport where the more fish you catch, the more money you can win. But if your goal is to catch every fish in the pond, then you’re going to be disappointed. The same is true for gambling – if you expect to always win, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Having realistic expectations means understanding that there will be good days and bad days, ups and downs. One way to do this is to set a hard limit, which means that once you go over the amount you’re going to lose, you’re done. You can also set a soft limit, which is when you are willing to go over your limit but don’t have a frame of reference for when you’re going to stop. The idea here is that you have enough gambling that your bankroll can recuperate.


How to Win Big at a Casino: Tips and Tricks to Help You

Have you ever wanted to break the bank at a casino? Who wouldn’t want to come out ahead when gambling? While there’s no surefire way to win big every time you visit a casino, there are certain tips and tricks you can use to stack the odds in your favour. In this blog post, we’ll share some of our best tips for how to win big at a casino. So if you’re looking for ways to up your chances of winning, read on!

Ways to up your chances of winning at a casino

There are all sorts of strategies that people use in an attempt to win big at casinos. Some swear by always playing the same slot machine, while others insist that table games are the way to go. Some people even go so far as to say that there are surefire ways to beat the house. But is there such a thing as a guaranteed win when it comes to gambling?

The answer is yes, there are ways to win every game played at a casino. Although there is no way to know in advance what the outcome of a game will be, there is a multitude of ways to increase your chances of winning. Some of these methods include:

  1. Playing at a respectable, well-known casino.
  2. Playing games in which you thrive.
  3. Understanding the rules of the game you want to play.

Here’s the reality: no, there isn’t. The house always wins. This is a fact that not many people want to accept, but the truth is that the house always wins. There are no mathematical tricks or specific strategies you can use to help you win more often. The reason for this is simple: the house gets a percentage of every bet you make.

Research which games offer the best odds

Before you hit the casino floor, learn about the odds of winning at blackjack, slots, and roulette. There’s no surefire way to win big at a casino, but there are some helpful tips you can follow to improve your chances.

One important tip is to do your research on which games offer the best odds. Some games, like blackjack and video poker, have relatively good odds for players who know what they’re doing. Other games, like slot machines and roulette, have much worse odds and should be avoided if you’re looking to win big. Of course, no matter what game you’re playing, always remember to gamble responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose.

Using online resources, you can discover which games are more likely to reward you with a big payoff. Another thing you can do is play a variety of games. It’s easy to get fixated on a single game and spend hours playing it, but this can hurt your chances of winning. You’re better off playing a variety of games and then moving on when you start losing. You should also keep track of the amount you’re betting per spin or game.

How to Win Big at a Casino: Tips and Tricks to Help You

Placing smaller bets and gradually increasing them as you go

If you’re looking to win big at a casino, one of the best things you can do is to place smaller bets and gradually increase them as you go. By doing this, you’ll minimize your losses and maximize your chances of winning. Of course, no one strategy is guaranteed to work all the time, but if you stick with this approach, you’ll give yourself a much better chance of coming out ahead in the long run.

The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need to bet a lot of money to enjoy a casino experience. Don’t get so caught up in the excitement of the game that you make foolish bets that you can’t afford.

Whether you’re playing for fun or money, the key is to stay focused, don’t let yourself get carried away and always keep your wits about you.

If you will split all your bets, only do so after you have determined the deck you are playing. If you know that the deck is unbalanced, then it is safe to split any hand. For example, if you are playing with a deck that has both jacks and nines, then it’s safe to split any pair of jacks or nines.

Learn to manage your bankroll

It’s no secret that casinos are designed to keep you gambling. But did you know that there’s a way to beat the system? If you know when to quit, you can come out ahead!

Here’s how it works: most people lose money at the casino because they get caught up in trying to win big. They chase their losses and end up staying longer than they should. But if you quit while you’re ahead, you’ll walk away from a winner! The key is knowing when to quit.

If you do win big, it’s important to pay attention to how you’re feeling at the time. Take a break, go eat something and then be sure to stop gambling before you’ve lost too much or have spent too much money. I’m not a doctor or a psychologist, but I’m pretty sure that’s not something you want to do.


Making the Most of Online Casino Bonuses

How would you feel after joining an online casino and finding they have free perks lined up for you to grab? Many gamblers recently have turned to online gambling because of the ease of entry and the convenience of playing their favourite games. This increase in popularity among bettors has led to many more online casinos joining the market to share the big cake. As a result, online casinos are competing for more new players and the current ones.

One ideal way online casinos are used to compete for players is through offering bonuses. They are pouring a substantial amount of money in the form of free perks to entice players to continue playing with them. If you’re a punter and would want to benefit more from these bonuses, you need to know what to look for in these online casinos. Since bonuses are like free money, you should take advantage of them to increase your chances of winning games and making more money. Now let’s talk about how you can make the most of these online casino bonuses. Ready? Let’s start.

1. Look for the Best Place to Compare Them

You don’t have to strain trying to figure out the best bonuses to grab out there. Since there are hundreds of casinos and more still coming into play, you need to know everything about the bonuses they offer. Looking into every other online casino to know the bonuses they offer can be a daunting task. You’ll be overwhelmed and perhaps throw in the towel before even getting halfway. So how can you avoid experiencing such an ugly situation?

There are gambling experts who will offer you the information you need to know about the top best online casinos offering mouthwatering bonuses. They write honest reviews about these casinos and post them on websites. You’ll learn more about their bonus offers and take full advantage of them. Some bonuses come with strict requirements you should meet while others are friendly or even free. Look out for those bonuses that are offered free or those that don’t have strict wagering requirements.

2. Consider Online Casino Bonuses that Suit You

Online casinos offer a variety of bonuses. You may not take full advantage of them, but there are those you can choose and make the most of them. Some casinos will offer you matched bonus for every deposit you make. For instance, some casinos offer a welcome bonus as matched deposit bonus, meaning that your first deposit is matched up to a given percentage, say from 100%. A casino might offer you a 100% match bonus of up to $200. if you deposit up to $200, the casino will match your deposit. It simply means, that if you deposit $200, the casino will give you an extra $200, and in total, you’ll have $400 in your account.

Better yet, most casinos offer no deposit bonuses and free spins to their new and existing players. You don’t need to deposit any money into your account to start betting. The casino will offer you the bonus immediately after you sign-up with them. Free spins give you a chance to enjoy playing an exciting game, spinning the wheel for free while winning real money. Always take advantage of the matched deposit bonus, no deposit bonus, and the free spins since, in the real sense, it’s like casinos are offering you free money. You can as well increase your chances of winning hundreds of dollars betting with these bonuses.

3. Read and Understand the Terms and Conditions

Many people, especially inexperienced betters, overlook the terms and conditions associated with bonuses. They are often excited by the bonuses and free spins, failing to understand what is needed when using the bonus offers. As a serious better, you must never forget that online casinos are in business, and they need your money to make profits. It’d beat logic to have online casinos offering you free money as if they are charity groups. Online casinos offer lucrative bonuses to attract players to join them and retain the current ones. They know that once you enter and keep on playing, they will rake huge profits from you. So what’s there to know about the terms linked with the bonus offers?

Most casinos won’t allow you to withdraw the money won from the bonus offer before wagering several times. In other words, they have strict wagering requirements of even up to 100%. It means you’ll have to play several games before you can withdraw money won from the bonus. The chances of losing your bonus offer in such a case are much higher. There are online casinos that offer bonuses and free spins with low or no wagering requirements on the flip side. Though these casinos are few, you should take advantage of them and increase your chance of winning more cash. Always remember to read through the terms and conditions associated with the bonus offers before grabbing them.

4. Sign-up for Several Online Casinos

There’s nothing wrong with staying loyal to your single online casino. Here, you stand a chance to understand all the ins and outs of your casino. You can also raise your status bar to become a VIP member but is that all you’d want in online casinos? Registering with several online casinos gives you a chance to take advantage of several bonus offers. Just like these online casinos, you are also in business. You want to broaden your experience playing with different casinos and increase your chances of winning and revamping your bankroll.

Most online casinos offer a welcome bonus and free spins to players joining them for the first time. They give you free cash in the form of matched bonus immediately after making your first deposit. You can sign-up for a new online casino, take advantage of the welcome bonus and free spins, win free cash, open another and repeat the process. There’s nothing wrong with such an approach to bettors who want to make the most of online casino bonuses. Remember, you’re treating this as your business, and businesses need profits to remain on top of the game.

5. Look Out for New Online Casinos

Read the casino news to find out whether new online casinos are joining the gambling world. And what best will you get from these casinos? New online casinos invest a lot of money to give out in the form of bonuses. They need to market their brand to gamers and entice them to join in. they often offer huge bonuses to have the competitive edge, and as a punter, you should take advantage of the offers while they last.

These new online casinos will often offer bonuses in the form of a welcome bonus, free spins, and no deposit bonuses. Since they want to gain your trust, their bonuses come with free or ludicrously low wagering requirements. However, it’s always advisable to read all the fine print to understand everything about these bonuses. This bonus offers last for a short period, so you should always keep an eye on them.


You can make the most of the top online casino bonuses when you know where to put your focus. Most online casinos recently are offering bonuses to their customers to entice them to play more. Failing to understand what to look for in those bonuses is a sure sign of losing. Always read online reviews to know which online casino bonuses suit you. Sign up for several online casinos, and don’t forget to take advantage of those joining the online gambling space. However, make sure you go through all the terms and conditions to understand the fine print associated with these bonuses.


Beginners Guide to Casinos

When you are first going to Las Vegas it would be easy to get lost, and I know that you have already looked up a bunch of guides to try and find your way. I can guarantee you that this guide will be the best one that you are have ever read and that it will help you both plan and execute the perfect trip to Las Vegas. I will be going over about what time you should go the casinos, the best games to get the most bang for your buck, how to set yourself a budget, and when you should walk away from certain games.

In this list, I will do my best to be as thorough as possible so that you get the full experience without too much of the loss that could be associated with a casino.

Best time to go to the casinos, and what time is the worst

You should be maximizing your efficiency, and what that means in this sense is that you need to be going to the casino when you will be earning the most money. At 10 AM and 6 PM, the casinos have the fewest number of customers, and this means that you should avoid going at these times. On the opposite end of that spectrum, they have the largest number of customers at 6 PM – 10 PM, while these are the best times, the best day is Friday, and this means that 6 PM – 10 PM on Friday is prime time.

Going at these times means that there will be a lot more people there to play against, and what that is going to do for you is set you up for success. So if you really want to plan it out then these are the perfect and the least optimal times for going.

What are the best casinos to go to?

The best casinos for you to go to will be a much more opinionated topic, but I will give you what I think are the best casinos. Using some sites to help corroborate ratings and reviews, we then will be taking the top 3 highest rated casinos in all of Las Vegas.

The first casino and the highest rated of them all with over 6,000 reviews is the Wynn Las Vegas Casino, which is located at 3131 Las Vegas Blvd. The Wynn had the highest 5-star ratings of all the casinos, has almost 100 restaurants nearby to the casino and has 40 different attractions within less than half a mile.

The second casino and the second highest-rated of them all with over 1,400 reviews are the Palazzo Resort Casino, which is located at 3325 Las Vegas Blvd. The Palazzo Resort Casino is within a half-mile of over 150 restaurants and 62 other popular attractions.

The third casino and the third highest-rated with over 2,000 reviews is the Casino At The Venetian, which is located at 3355 Las Vegas Blvd S. This casino is located within half a mile of over 150 different restaurants, and 65 unique and popular attractions as well.

The best games to play?

The first game that I will recommend you play to really start gaining some profit is live poker, and the reason I suggest this one first is that you can get really good at playing poker. There are a lot of different types of poker, but I recommend that you stick with Texas Hold ’em, so that you don’t get confused with all the different rules. If you practice and get really good, then that means that you will have the odds in your favour, and having the odds in your favour means that winning will be much easier. You can practice playing poker with your friends so that you know the rules and how to win. Once you get pretty good at then you can take it to the high-stakes tables in Vegas, and if you are good then you will be earning a lot of money by winning all the time.

The second game to play would be blackjack, and this game is even easier than poker. Blackjack, which is also called 21, is a great game for beginners as well, and the reason that it is so easy is that the only goal is to get as close to 21 without going over. With rules this simple it all comes down to mastering the art of the bluff, and when you do that then you will be set.

The third game to play is slots, and this one is different from the other two on the list, but it is still effective. The reason that this one is different in that it relies on luck far more than the other two, and this hinges on the fact that you can’t really get good at playing slots. This game does have a lot of positives, so it is still very worth playing. With how carefree it is you don’t have to be worried or high-strung.

How to set yourself a budget

When going to Las Vegas you want to make sure that you won’t be overspending at the casinos, and the best way to do this is to set yourself an extremely strict budget. When you’re in the casino you are going to talk yourself into spending more, but if you don’t have the money on hand or accessible then you can’t spend it all. The way that you do this is to pull all the money you want to send out at the ATM, and then you leave your debit card, band card, credit card, and any other way to access your funds in your hotel room somewhere hidden. What this does is it will make you walk all the way back to the room to try and get more money, and during this time you will be thinking it over, so by the time you reach the room, you will realize you don’t need to spend anymore.

When to walk away from a game

We don’t want anyone betting it all on black or anything crazy like that, and in the same vein, we don’t want anyone blowing all their money at the slot machines. What you can do is set a fixed amount like $20, and when you lose $20 you will then quit playing that game. With this simple method, you will be able to play a lot of games and not rack up crazy losses.

In conclusion

Las Vegas casinos can be amazing places where you will have a lot of fun, but if you aren’t careful then you will come away losing far more than you expected. Make sure you use this guide to keep you out of trouble, and you can refer to it anytime you need some guidance.


The Most Popular Casinos in Las Vegas

Travel is far from dead in places like Las Vegas. Here, we’ll briefly explore the 5 most popular casinos in Las Vegas. If you’re coming from afar, you’ll want the best, most interesting and full-service casinos available to suit every taste.

The Cosmopolitan

Known as the most checked-in hotel in Las Vegas, for those who like an Urban forward statement in architecture, style and amenities, this is the ideal hotel. They offer casino cabanas that are a nice intimate space to socialize while you break from gambling. They equip the casino with floor to ceiling glass that overlooks the best of the strip. Can you imagine the night view? No reservation is necessary to take part in any of the aforementioned amenities. Go to the Marquee Day Club and Marquee Night club so you can party on a 24/7 schedule whenever you choose. There’re free parties and live music all the time. If movies are your thing, you can take one in on the 65-foot digital screen. In the past, concert names have appeared such as Red Hot Chili Peppers and Stevie Wonder.

The MGM Grand Hotel and Casino

This is not only a popular one, but it’s well-known even by those that have never travelled to Las Vegas. This is a hotel for the kid in the adult. All of Las Vegas is, but some hotels are just a lot of fun and this is one of them. First, for those who travel afar because they love to gamble, then this is the hotel that boasts the largest casino in the city. If you’re an eco-conscious gambler then the renovation in this hotel that cost them $160 million features LED lighting, solar shades and biodegradable amenities, The fun comes in for those who are rocker wannabes. You can attend the rocker fantasy camp and play alongside rock legends like Sammy Hagar and Alice Cooper.

Caesar’s Palace

Caesar’s Palace is a Las Vegas icon and one of the oldest and most popular. If you’re a high-roller, then this hotel is made for you because that’s the niche it boasts—million-dollar slots and more than any other casino in the world. It has two poker rooms, one for cash and the other for tournaments. Sports gamers have a great setup there too plenty of seats with TVs on tables. The shows are second to none, with big names like Celine Dion and Shania Twain to name a few that have graced this space. The buffet is one of the few ones like it called the Bacchanal Buffet with 500 dishes covering the culinary planet.

New York New York Hotel and Casino

Do you love New York? This hotel boasts all the great NYC attractions and built them into one property. If you want to bring the family, it’s one of the most family-friendly hotel and casinos on the strip with affordable room rates and fun things to do both inside and outside the realm of gambling. The shows a bit different too like Cirque Du Soliel, Zumanity and restaurants like Gallagher’s steakhouse. The gaming area has 84,000 square feet of Central Park replication. There are also arcade-style gaming.

The Bellagio Hotel and Casino

Bellagio is famous for many things but the one thing most people know it for is fountains that dance to the synchrony of music every night. The next best-known attraction at the Bellagio is the revolving flower displays. The hotel can satisfy all age groups and the seasoned poker players are way ahead of the game, so to speak and know the Bellagio for the “big game”. Those are the top 5. Since you may travel afar and you aren’t able to get into those, let’s look at a couple more that we think are just fantastic and also well-known.

The Luxor Hotel and Casino

You know this one—the Pyramid shaped hotel with the laser light that shines so high they can—and this is a fact; see it from space. The replications of Cleopatra’s Needle, the Sphinx, and the grand temple of Ramses the II are there. Nothing has changed in that realm in 30 years, but they updated the inside and rooms and there’s a sky bridge that will connect you to the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino. If you like the weird and wonderful comics like carrot top, you’ll love the shows they offer at the Luxor.

The Venetian Resort Hotel and Casino

The Venetian has Poker tables that are comparable to the Bellagio, but with better wait times for tables. You can download the sports betting app and take part in wagering on your mobile. Other than the gambling, the Venetian boasts the obvious in the most fantastic way. Love Italia? Then, step into a Venice with Gondoliers singing, gelato and amazing food. Like Bourbon? Down in the Bourbon room, you can sample 28 different Bourbons and several beers.

The Mandalay Bay

Just a walk across the sky bridge from the Luxor is the Mandalay Bay. They gear this hotel and casino to high rollers, but they also cater very well to those with a more frugal gambling bone. Bring your nickels and quarters and you’ll gravitate to those plentiful slots to try your luck. Got kids? Or, for the kid in you enjoy the 11-acre water park with amazing beaches and water fun.

Casino City

A Short Trip to Some of the Famous Casino Cities!

From the year 1638 till now, the casino has been a favorite space for the gamblers to relax, gamble, and communicate leaving the stress of the tiring day outside the house. The casino has always been merriment and a medium to spend the evening to all age groups once they attain the legal gambling age. The sound of coins hitting the slot machine and shuffling cards with the tingling of vodka glasses is everything that is needed to make your evening blissful. In this article, we have occupied some of the best casinos found around the world. If you ever wish to visit and gamble at a land-based casino, you can try visiting those listed below. Without much ado, let us go right into the article.

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Situated at the base of the beautiful Maritime Alps, Monte Carlo, Monaco is one of the best destinations for a casino that is worth visiting. The place is specially made to attract elite and high rollers. The casino is also considered as one of the most exquisite and traditional casinos built around the 19th century. Being one of the oldest casinos found of planet earth, Monte Carlo is very strict when it comes to clothing. Don’t even bother to wear flip-flops and shorts. The casino is classic and so rules for customers to be classic. The place is known to leave you speechless and the architecture will make you filled with awe!

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Marina Bay, Singapore

Known to be an Instagrammed luxury place and diva, Marina Bay, Singapore, is known to house one of the best casinos as well as the greatest pool. Even though the land is having strict consideration for gambling, one can find a beautiful casino here, and is a perfect place to spend the evening. The surroundings and the architecture are enough to make you drop your mouth! The casino consists of a variety of gambling games, clubs, and even the most extravagant suits for their customers. It is an ideal place for the novice as well as professional gamblers to explore more in the gambling space.

Paris, France

Perhaps the first thought that crosses your mind is the Eiffel tower when you think of Paris. But, one of the crazy facts about the city is that it is home to some of the beautiful and luxurious casinos. The land has some of the extraordinary casinos like Cercle Haussman. This particular casino offers a wide range of tables for blackjack alone. You can also see one of the oldest casinos here named Aviation Club de France which was established in the year 1907.

Paris, France

Reno, Nevada, USA

Las Vegas and Macau are known for its casino houses and gamblers, Reno, Nevada, USA are no different from these places. If you ever visit the USA, make sure you get into Reno, where the place is home to more than 20 casinos! Known as The Biggest Little Town in the World, the city attracts many tourists as well as gamblers. Do not be hesitant to play at Reno as the city has got some of the best casinos worth gambling.

Short Trip

Best Attractions in Atlantic City That Aren’t Gambling

Atlantic City reverberates the clamour of casinos, nightlife, or boardwalk. There was a glorious past for Atlantic City as the principal contender of Las Vegas, engrossing its visitors in the exuberance of show talents, grandiose development, and amusing things to luxuriate in.

However, this gold plating has deteriorated over the past decade. The dazzling and glamorous city has become an occurrence of the past to an extent. The silver lining here is New Jersey’s relentless effort to breathe into life the sublime yesteryear of Atlantic City. If you have come here with your family and want a taste of a wholesome AC experience, you have a wide assortment to select from.

The Ocean

Even if the motive behind coming to Atlantic City was to revel in the lively casinos, there is a sheer expanse of the sparkling ocean waiting for you to relish the exploit of swimming. The beach is left at your discretion, and if you are fortunate, enough Mother Nature will bless you with delightful weather.

If you have your kids with you, don’t panic; you have the service of lifeguards from 10 AM to 6 PM. So, if they have been nagging you about it, you need not think twice about the safety aspect of it. If you love adventure and want to gratify yourself in an escapade over the crystal blue waters, you can venture into the exploit of kite surfing and kayaking.

If you savour food and the ocean equally, you can grab a quick meal from the boardwalk and feast on the glistening blue waters as you satiate your taste buds.


Steel Pier Amusement Park

The historical theme park of Atlantic City. This park is a 1000-foot-long park along the Atlantic City’s famous boardwalk. This lavishes the park to be the harmonious blend of gorgeous panorama and family fun if you have arrived at AC with your toddler kids.

The utilisation of such a limited space is a reason for admiring Steel Pier. Though most of the rides cater to a younger audience, you still have the lively childlike nature brimming in you; you will enjoy this place—a cosy place to relive your childhood days between your action-packed gambling life.

gambling life

Atlantic City Aquarium

For those who want delight in a getaway from the roulette wheel and slot machines. If you are an aficionado of marine organisms, you have your magic bullet in the Atlantic City Aquarium.

Your eyes will feast on various marine exhibits, animal enclosures, sweeping tanks brimming with a marine ecosystem, and an overload of environmental information. The location of the aquarium is the legendary Gardner’s Basin, which bestows on you a plethora of places to revel in your favourite cuisine, water events, and shopping.


Atlantic City

First time at a casino? Here’s what you need to know

Since you have decided to make your first voyage to a brick and mortar casino, you might be exhilarated. Along the same note, being to a casino might ring bells of uneasiness or curiosity about what to expect of the place.

The thought of uncertainty is quite understandable. Being a newbie to a place can be quiet intimidating. The first thing you might notice in the land casino would be that you would find yourself trapped in the pomp and show of a glamorous setting. You might then find different types of games, from slots and poker to blackjack and roulette. People of all kinds, those on a night out, bachelor parties, dressed up women, champagnes, beers, light-ups, and many more. All these forms the gist of what you would see on a night out in casinos. These are just commonplace experiences at a casino.

As a fresher to the casino halls, you would be both excited and tensed about where to start. First things first: Remember, you’re at the casino to have fun and never get overwhelmed at the new settings. Let’s now look at some of the must-know in your first visit.


Age restriction

This might not strike you at first. Depending on which country you might be traveling, the age restriction varies. In the US alone, different states allow different age groups ranging from 18-21. In Europe, the age bar is lifted from 18 years. You might be astonished to know that Greece has restricted the age group to 23!

Do your math, be sure you’re past the age, carry your IDs, or passports, and some transaction cards. Though you might be availing of online service, the server would make sure you’re of the legal age.

Follow rules

No big deal! You might say but sure does. Every brick and mortar casino has its own rule of the house. You better know them before you get kicked out for not keeping them. Dress codes, game rules, smoking, and drinking rules differ from place to place. All these depend on the place you visit.

Online casinos have their edge on this one, as neither dress code nor a bottle of beer in your hand doesn’t matter. Be sure to ask the housekeepers before you attempt a photograph with your mate in the casino. Knowing the rules and sticking to them is the key to a smooth visit.


Take your time and familiarise

Well, once you are in, have a good glance around the rooms. Don’t jump into games. Have a look at the tables, kind of people around with a plethora of gaming experience. The golden rule remains that you never get carried away by the glitz and colour everywhere. Stay focused while enjoying the fun around.

Researching your way may be intimidating at first. It’s always better to be a spectator at the games, observe each betting, and get to know its maths. Playing online is yet another way to get started. Get help from the casino staff as they would want you to have good gaming experience. The secret lies in familiarising yourself with the game and the surroundings.


The Addictive Nature of Gambling

The act of gambling is a celebrated phenomenon globally and is considered a phenomenal pleasurable activity by adults worldwide. Gambling is made available in ask forms with a melange of opportunities for the gambler from placing a wager on sports, to land-based and online casinos, private parties with friends, and forms an integral part of your circadian life.

However, some people fall prey to the compelling attribute of gambling, furnishing them with an addictive high. What is the psychology that triggers gamblers to keep at stake their entire world despite a bleak probability of winning a payout?

Early Big Win

This can factor as a crucial element that accelerates compulsive gambling. An event of experiencing an early mammoth win in the early stages of gambling. The titillation of winning a lofty amount can sometimes spellbind a novice; this enables the player to be overconfident and makes him think that these wins are effortless for a gambler like him.

Big Win

Easy Access to Gambling

Gambling is omnipresent. The advent of online casinos engendered to satiate the craving of gamblers by conferring on them a myriad of opportunities to gamble. This has augmented the accessibility and agility of gamblers.

If the act of gambling was an arduous one, this might be a simple enough reason that will act as a setback. In contrast, if the act is as effortless as clicking a link, then this can enkindle gambling addiction to a colossal extent.

Failure to Monitor Wins and Losses

This is where many gamblers fail miserably. Not every gambler returns triumphant, but it is instead a necessity that every gambler maintains an extensive note on their wins and losses throughout their gambling escapade.

Once this tabulation is done, it will facilitate players to evaluate their progress in terms of gambling. Otherwise, the clandestine peril will lead players to focus on their wins and neglect their losses.


Personal Stress

Just like how people seek solace in alcohol, drugs, or smoking in a similar manner, problematic individuals view gambling as a means of escapism from their quotidian vexation. Then it would be best if you scrutinized yourself because this is a red symbol ahead of you, indicating that you are altering from a gambler to a compulsive gambler.

Do not find refuge in gambling as a means of venting out your stress after the divorce, or job loss, etc. if you can regulate yourself and enjoy this emotional freedom, then the act of gambling is self-medication. Still, otherwise, it can effectuate your doom.


Nature of Gambling

The Most Profitable Countries for Gambling

Concurrently, the gambling industry has witnessed a gargantuan growth with an influx in countries legalizing gambling and with an amplified number of people enjoying access to casinos. This has aided gambling in attaining the stature of a thrilling variant of amusement. However, the unrivalled bulwarks of gambling are relished by Las Vegas and Macau. At the same time, specific countries appear to be principal for gamblers in a comprehensive manner, while many others promise behemoth pay-outs for gamblers.

The Most Profitable Countries for Gamblers

There are numerous countries that do not tax gambling winnings, yet there are always exceptions. These notable exceptions include Spain and the US, where your winnings are taxed as part of personal income at a rate of 10% to 40%. However, if you can verify your losses, you could reduce your tax implications.

Winners in France pay a 12% tax every time they win more than 1500 Euros. At the same time, in Norway, only over NOK 10,000 are taxable when the winnings are from outside the country. However, Germany is the magic bullet for gamblers considering the augmented wins and minimised losses.

Germany does not facilitate the system of paying tax on gambling winnings and has the added incentive of possessing the lowest rates of betting losses per capita. The diminished ubiquity of compulsive gambling paired with a mammoth gambling industry, makes Berlin the antidote for a gambler.


Where Do Most Progressive Jackpot Winners Reside?

The odds of winning a progressive jackpot is Herculean. Your chance of winning is 1 in 7,484,400. This means your odds of emerging triumphant is implausible; you might transcend into a Hollywood celebrity but not have won a single slot.

However, Lady Luck has bequeathed her good fortune on some of the gamblers who are lucky enough to have won it and hail from the same countries. While examining the titles of Mega Fortune, Hall of Gods, and Mega Moolah, of which top-notch ten champions three were based in Finland, three from Sweden, two were residents of the UK, and another two were from Norway.

For Lady Luck to endow you with a passionate stroke in progressive slots, you might have to relocate to a Scandinavian country.

Progressive Jackpot

Countries with Colossal Gambling Industries

No country can outstrip the US and China, the two most impressive lucrative gambling markets across the globe. China is the paramount gambling market with a $37.9 billion profit, closely followed by the US with $30.4 billion. These profits are much amplified than the Hollywood industry, which ushers $11.4 billion at the box office.

In comparison, when you analyse the highest per capita profits in the gambling industry, Australia tops the first three. This is facilitated by an average $736 loss per individual, which is then directly escorted into the operators’ resources. However, this country guides a massive pokies culture resurgence, with one for every 114 people in the country.


Profitable Country
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